Since the MS Koningsdam was in the Pireaus port overnight, we were able to tour Athens and the Agora the first day and do birding the second day. Our birding guide was Akis Gaitanakis from Greece Bird Tours. He was great. He knew where the birds were and how to find them.
We can ID this bird as a Western Rock Nuthatch as follows:
- This is perfect habitat for this bird - bare rock in mountainous area
- Pale blue-grey upperparts
- Conspicuous, long, black eyestripe from lores to side of neck base
- Rest of face, sides of neck, throat, center of breast and belly are whitish
- Pale cinnamon sides of breast and rest of underparts
- Dark bill
- Greyish legs
The Western Rock Nuthatch is a new species to our Photographic Life List, which now stands at 961.